MOOV Health & Wellness

The #1 Place For Kybella Fillers in Frisco, Texas

What Is Kybella Fillers?

Kybella is a groundbreaking cosmetic treatment designed to address the common concern of submental fullness, colloquially known as the double chin. Unlike traditional fillers, Kybella doesn’t add volume; instead, it harnesses the power of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body, to break down and absorb fat cells beneath the chin. This innovative injectable offers a non-surgical solution for refining jawlines and rejuvenating profiles. With Kybella, individuals can achieve a more sculpted and defined look without the need for invasive procedures. Say goodbye to the double chin and hello to a newfound confidence with Kybella Fillers.
Kybella injections

What are the benefits?